mercredi 13 novembre 2013

Sok kicsi, sokra megy ! - A little goes a long way!‏ Il ne faut pas grand chose, en fait....

Ma jött a következő email egy barátnőtől :
I received the following email, from a frien, today:
J'ai recu l'email suivant d'une amie aujourd'hui :

The owners of Caviar restaurant are packing food to be sent by boat tonight to Tacloban. They need people to assist with the packing.

If any of you would like to join us or send your drivers and/or helpers, they would appreciate it. 

Please join us in Westgate, in the court yard behind Sapphire Restaurant across the street from Caviar restaurant. 

No need to respond, just show up if you can come. Packing is underway now.


Iskola után, arra kanyarodtunk mind a négyen, hogy mi is csomagoljunk élelmiszert amely ma este indul majd hajóval Tacloban-ban.

Zacskókban : szardiniát, sós kekszet és tésztás levest. Készültek 25/50kg-ós zsákokból 3 kilós zsackók !! Majd egy másik sarokban első segély csomagot raktak össze.
Nagyon jól esett a gyerekeknek hogy konkrétan tudnak hozzájárulni, hogy holnap reggel mikor a hajó oda érkezik akkor 1.000 ember kapjon élelmiszert, tudjon enni. Ma az iskolában, a tanárok beszéltek a péntek/szombati katasztrófáról, Van aki a BBC news nézte velük, Zoé csoportjában pedig képeket mutattak és kommentáltak. Sok ilyen privát kezdeményezés van Manilában illetve az egész országban. Mindenki próbál segíteni ahogy tud.
A sóförünknek, (Joey) a nagynénije, még nem adott életjelet et abban a régióban lakik ahol történt a katasztrófa és Joey nagyon reméli (sokat imádkozik) hogy holnap a nagynénije kap egyik összerakott csomagból !!


Today after school, we went there four of us to pack.

We packed : sardinia, crackers and noodles. A lot of 25/50 kg rice big bags were shared in bags of 3 kg and in another corner : bags of first aid were prepared.
It was really good for kids to help concretly to pack foods which will leave tonight by boat to Tacloban. They felt useful.... at their level.
In their school today, the teachers talked about the disaster of the Leyte region . Some by watching BBC news, and the teacher of Zoé, with pictures.
Several of this kind of private initiative are taken in Manila and all over the country. Everybody tries to help at his own level.
Our driver , Joey, has no news of his aunt, who lives in the devasted region , and he only hopes that she will receive tomorrow morning one of the bags that we have prepared today....

Aujourd'hui apres l'école, nous sommes allés, tous les 4, aider á mettre des denrées dans des sacs
Nous avons mis dqns des sqchets des conserves de sardines, des soupes qux pates et des crackers. A partir de gros sacs de riz de 25/50 kg, des plus petits sqchets de 3kg ont été pesés, Des sachets contenant des produits de premier secours ont également été préparés. Tous ces sacs partent ce soir en bateau.
Cela a fait un bien fou aux enfants et á moi aussi, de faire une action concrete , de se sentir un peu utile, et ainsi demain, 1.000 personnes ( je sais c'est tres peu) recoivront un peu de nourriture. 
Á l'école aujourd'hui, les profs ont parlé de la catastrophe, les classes des plus grands en regardant la chaine BBC news et les plus petits comme Zoé, ont regardé et commenté des photos de la catastrophes.
Beaucoup d'initiatives privées de ce genre voient le jour á Manille et á travers tout le pays. Tout le monde veut aider, comme il le peut.
Notre chauffeur Joey est sans nouvelle de sa tante qui habite la région sinistrée. Il espere juste qu'elle recevra demain un des paquets préparés cet apres midi.......


Egy másik kezdeményezés  - another initiative - une autre initiative :


Dear Members, 

THANK YOU all for you HELP  and DONATIONS yesterday in helping ALIG donate to Yolanda victims over 275,000 worth of relief goods that is on board the Captain Felix Oca Ship that is bound to leave for areas effected in Tacloban. 

This was a fantastic experience to witness, we were all on board the ship watching RedCross, ALIG and other organisation loading Relief Goods. I am very excited to report that we sent over 300 boxes of Relief Goods to the areas effected.  ALIG WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE RELIEF GOODS USING OUR SAME CONTACT.
Thank You to everyone that donated, shopped, packed goods, labelled every single box with our logos, sent drivers and helped transport all the goods to the ship.  SALAMAT PO! 

A big THANK YOU to Fawn Babin for posting on Facebook and taking in over 160,000 of monetary donations in less then 6hrs to work with, to get all the supplies needed to be able to buy the food and water needed. Fawn please let your family and friends know how honoured ALIG is to receive their donations please ensure them that 100 percent of the donations will  be used for the victims of Yolanda. 

ALIG bought 50,000 worth of dry goods yesterday with their emergency funds. 

Another big THANK YOU to Audrey Vercoutere for helping us getting a big discount of 12percent less tax on our relief goods that we purchased yesterday.

A big THANK YOU Brent in entrusting us to receive their donations of Relief Goods to be delivered to the victims affected.  

We will continue to receive  canned goods, blankets, toothpase, soap, bandaid, paracetamol, Betadine  and water to be on our next shipment when the Captain Felix returns. You can drop off donations to Maraia Bookless home at 204 Dingalan Street in Ayala Alabang. Volunteers are also welcome to help and we will post a message once needed or email us in advance. 

If you or your family want to help the Yolanda Victims during this crucial time you are welcome to make monetary donations to the following bank account which once deposited you will need to please let your families know to send us a note so we know whose family member it is. We will provide an acknowledge fee for every deposit. ALIG will ensure that we spend your monetary donation to the best possible way and getting a 12 percent discount on our final bill purchase makes a big difference. 

Bank Details are: 
ROUTING NO:  026002561
BANK: Standard Chartered Bank - ALABANG BRANCH , MOLITO 2  Building. Madrigal Avanue, Alabang , Muntinlupa 
Account Number - 01-325630930-02
Alabang Ladies International Group, INC

Thank you all and please contact us at any time if you have any queries.  

See you all for coffee morning and we will have pictures displaced tomorrow at our coffee morning meeting to show you our first ALIG efforts from yesterday.

Warm Regards
The Charity Team 
Sharon, Heather, Lynn, Maria V, Maria L, Astrid, Patricia and Maraia

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